Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Glimpse at Mrs. Barnett's Room

When I received my room assignment for my kindergarten room I was very excited because it was the biggest room in the building.  But I soon found out that big is not always better.  The room had been occupied by a teacher that had retired after 30 years of teaching.  And as you all know we seem to gather a lot of stuff as we teach.  So I had a lot of stuff to go through and arrange.  I had to decide what to keep and what needed to go.  I have to say I am not much on saving everything, so there was a lot of purging going on.

Then it was time for a theme and a paint color.  I am really drawn to bright and cheery; and as I looked on Pinterest and the internet I started to be drawn to the polka dots that are so big right now.  And then everything just snowballed from there.  I spent my entire summer painting, cleaning, decorating and organizing.  Here are a few views of my room. 

My Math Board

Where I keep my Kleenexs, germ-x, and supplies for students.

My desk area and my card shelf that I dug out of the dumpster at Dollar General and painted pink (love that shelf) works great for my theme books.

My kids cubbies and some storage.

My Guided Reading area.
 My seat pockets I sewed over the summer, and I love them.  When my kids finish their work I can check it at their seat and then they place them in their pockets.  Then at the end of the day it is a cinch to load their backpacks.  The idea traveled around our building and I ended up sewing some for two other classrooms.

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